Attachment Informed Grief Therapy: 
Interventions to create safety, strengthen self-capacities and promote re-engagement

Dr Phyllis Kosminsky, Ph.D, F.T

Attachment status is one of a very few factors that have consistently been identified by researchers seeking to understand the underlying causes of complicated vs. normal grief. These findings concerning adaptation to loss are part of a growing body of research emphasizing the impact of early relational experience and attachment orientation on emotional health across the lifespan. 

In this Master Class, the instructor will explain the significance of contemporary perspectives on attachment that are critical to understanding variations in how people grieve, and will explore in depth the implications of these insights for the practice of therapy with bereaved individuals.

Throughout the day we will use client videos and case discussion to deepen our understanding of how theory translates into practice. Ample time will also be given for questions and discussion with those in attendance. You and will end the day with insight into the value of attachment theory in guiding treatment formulation, and with tools that will help you support your bereaved clients.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this class participants will be able to:

  • Review findings related to the role of insecure attachment in complicated grief.
  • Describe what is meant by “attachment informed grief therapy” and discuss the practical application of attachment theory in providing bereavement support to individuals with attachment related grief complications.
  • Explain the importance of emotion regulation in coping with loss, describe how deficits in emotion regulation contribute to complications in grief, and describe interventions for strengthening regulatory capacity.
  • Explain the importance of mentalizing in healthy adaptation to loss and describe techniques for strengthening this capacity in bereaved clients.
  • Identify three core principles of attachment theory that relate to grief and loss.



253 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave
VIC Australia 3170
Phone: +61 3 9265 2100                                   


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