Intervening in Meaning: 
New Directions in Grief Therapy 

Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D (90 minute keynote)

Viewed from a constructivist perspective, a central process in grieving is the attempt to reaffirm or reconstruct a world of meaning that has been challenged by loss.  As research with bereaved young people, parents and older adults indicates, both natural and violent death losses can leave mourners struggling to process the event story of the death and to make sense of its implications for their lives, and to access the back story of their relationship with their deceased loved one in a way that reaffirms their sense of secure attachment.  

In this presentation I summarize our group’s recent studies of the psychological and spiritual struggle to make sense of loss, outline several validated measures of meaning-making processes and outcomes, and describe current research to evaluate the impact of novel meaning-oriented interventions to help people find growth through grief.



253 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave
VIC Australia 3170
Phone: +61 3 9265 2100                                   


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